In only its 3rd year, Magoffin County Archery has taken off and running. Mr. Johnnie King, teacher at Herald Whtiaker Middle School and the Coach for all archers, 6th-12th grade has played a crucial role in the startup and long-term success of this great program for our students.
On Saturday, March 20, 2021, Herald Whitaker Middle School hosted the Second Annual, Magoffin County Invitational Tournament. 113 Archers ranging from 6th to 12th grade, from 12 different schools around the region, this was a Bullseye Shoot from both the 10 and 15 meter lines.
Overall High Score for the High School Division (Tie):
Michaela Manning who shot a 292 from Wolfe County High School
Kylie Moore who shot a 292 from Elliott County High School
•Normally, these students would have had a tie breaking round for the top spot, however, students were leaving soon after their flights were completed, due to restrictions in place for COVID 19
Magoffin County Mentions:
4th Place (Middle School Boys) – Cody Curtis
5th Place (Middle School Boys) – Eli Howard
Last year’s tournament, held as a state qualifier, hosted nearly 3 times as many participants and schools. Like other school sponsored events, there was a great impact on the sport, overall, due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Mr. King, who is responsible for beginning the tournament for our school district, hopes to see the tournament back to the numbers closer to the 19/20 school year for its 3rd year. “Like everything else, we have had to adjust our season and competitions. I’m just truly grateful our students got to participate in this tournament and the rest throughout the school year. This is a really great experience for them and most of the kids who participate in archery do not participate in other sports teams, so this was there chance to get back some normalcy. We have some excellent community partners, a great group of parents and excellent students who went above and beyond this year to make sure that they didn’t miss out and I am truly grateful to be part of it. I look forward to this program continuing to grow here in our district in the future.”
The Magoffin County Archery team will be in action again at Regional Competitions, held on Saturday, April 3.