PRESTONSBURG, Ky. – Dr. Telly Sellars, Big Sandy Community & Technical College (BSCTC) Interim President / CEO is pleased to announce the Dean’s List for the 2022 Fall semester.
To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must be enrolled full time at BSCTC and maintain a 3.5 grade-point average.
From Magoffin County:
Joshua Keith Binkowski, Bradyn Michael Combs, Samantha Annette Conley, Morgan Paige Damron, Kaitlyn Downing, Ashlee Embry, Natalie Breann Gasparac, Amos Gilliam, Kallee Elizabeth Hale, Andrew Logan Hiner, Kristian Logan Howard, Jacob Chance Howard, Christin Hungate, Alex Wade Jenkins, Taylor Grace Jenkins, Christian Faith King, Roy Minix, Jessica Rose Minix, Johnivan Randell Patrick, McKayla Brooke Patrick, Lindsey Sue Perkins, Ashton Clay Pinks, Treva Elisha Risner, Cheyanne Madison Saylor, Nathan Scott Whitaker
PRESTONSBURG, Ky. – Dr. Telly Sellars, Big Sandy Community & Technical College (BSCTC) Interim President / CEO is pleased to announce the President’s List for the 2022 Fall semester.
To qualify for the President’s List, students must be enrolled full time at BSCTC and maintain a 4.0 grade-point average.
From Magoffin County:
Samantha Annette Conley, Kallee Elizabeth Hale, Andrew Logan Hiner, Kristian Logan Howard, Alex Wade Jenkins, Taylor Grace Jenkins, Jessica Rose Minix, Roy Minix, Johnivan Randell Patrick, Ashton Clay Pinks, Treva Elisha Risner