SALYERSVILLE – The City of Salyersville announced last week that they will be holding a Salyersville Hometown Christmas House Decorating Contest.
The flyer announcing the contest reads as follows:
If you love to decorate your home for the Christmas Season, we invite you to compete for the best decorated home with the City of Salyersville!
Just complete the registration form, return it to City Hall by December 1, 2023, and pick up a special “Candy Cane” to display on your lawn to let the judges know you are participating in the competition.
This year’s celebration theme is “A Walk Down Candy Cane Lane.” You can use this theme, or any other that your imagination can envision to create your one of a kind display!
During the week of December 11th – 15th, please have your Christmas lights on from 5 to 10 p.m. each day.
Judging will take place on random evenings during this time…you won’t know when the judges visit your house!
The best decorated house will be chosen and announced on Facebook and the winner will be notified by phone. The winner will be also receive a YARD SIGN to display on their lawn!
The winning home will receive an award plaque…and bragging rights as the “Best Decorated Home in Town!”
If you have any questions, please contact:
CITY HALL at 606-349-2409
Or contact any Christmas Committee Member!