SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in special session on Tuesday, February 23, discussing adding restrooms to Bloomington Park and approving policies for the soon-to-open animal shelter.
Magoffin County Deputy Judge Kevin Howard updated the court on several ongoing projects, including the county road signs, community center, bridge replacements, courthouse improvements, and Bloomington Park. Howard said they have received 168 road signs along Route 30, which they are in the process of installing. They are currently painting the senior citizens’ section of the community center. The Charles Bailey Road and Bear Branch box culverts have been delivered and the Blanton Branch culvert is scheduled to be here by the end of the week, with those all going in when the weather allows.
Howard said they have ordered a canopy for the front entrance of the courthouse, which will match the county clerk’s canopy and will be installed in April.
Howard said they have had the property surveyed at Bloomington Park, with the report to be submitted to the state. The court received the mapping for proposed restrooms for the park and Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained that these steps will help him to apply for grants for the project.
After running ads for proposals, the fiscal court received and accepted a proposal for energy servicing from CMTA. The company will survey the areas where they can cut energy costs in the courthouse and justice center, and provide recommendations for what would work more efficiently. Their services will not cost the court anything, Wireman explained, and they will still be able to decide which suggestions they want to pursue.
“I’ve seen this work,” Wireman said. “This won’t do a lot for us during our terms, but it will future-proof the courthouse and justice center.”
The court also approved a contract for randomized drug testing services for employees, updating their personnel policies and reducing workers’ compensation costs.
With construction underway, the fiscal court approved policies for the animal shelter, which will be located next to the recycling center. Wireman said they hope to have the shelter open by early March and the policies set the prices and fees for adoption, spay and neutering, vaccinations, worming, etc. He noted that their contract with Lawrence County Animal Shelter was ending this month and they were able to free up some funding with the reimbursements from the CARES Act to make it possible. Right now, Wireman said they are working to get a list of volunteers and provide the necessary trainings, noting they have received a lot of help from shelters and rescues in the region.
“We’re going to make this work,” Wireman said.
They are currently taking donations of food, supplies, and money for the project.
The court set the dates for the annual county-wide cleanup, with District 1 running from April 5 to 9, District 2 April 19 to 23, and District 3 May 3 to 7. The Independent did verify with the mayor that the City of Salyersville will be holding their cleanup during the same three weeks, as well.
They also agreed to purchase a 2019 asphalt compactor, which is the last thing they needed to be able to resurface roads.
The court approved the petition for the road closure of Grover Allen Road and the petition to adopt and extend Frank Russell Road. They approved an updated county road list, as well.
In other news, the court approved fund transfers of $30,000 from the general fund to the jail fund and $98,989.46 from the general fund to the 911 fund, as well as held the second reading to the budget amendments to the 2020/2021 fiscal year budget.
The Magoffin County Fiscal Court’s next regularly scheduled meeting is tentatively set for February 16.

Vicky Phipps
March 4, 2021 at 2:19 pm
Good Morning
How would I volunteer for the
Animal shelter?
Heather Oney
March 5, 2021 at 6:44 pm
You can call the Magoffin County Judge/Executive’s office at 606-349-2313 for volunteering information.
May 6, 2021 at 11:01 pm
Hello, is there a list of the things that the County cleanup will haul away? Will they take old tires and glass?