SALYERSVILLE – Magoffin County District Judge Dennis Prater shared the Administrative Office of the Courts’ new COVID-19 guidance, included below, announcing that with the Supreme Court’s new order local courts will be live in the courtroom, again.
Judge Prater explained that the in-person district court, which started on Monday, May 24, will be for those who want to attend in-person, but that they will continue to let people attend via Zoom for the next couple of weeks during the transition.
COVID-19: New Guidance on Entering Court Facilities
Pursuant to Supreme Court Order 2021-16, Effective May 18, 2021
Who May Enter
Any individual with business before the courts, except those who have symptoms of, tested positive for or been exposed to COVID-19.
Who May Not Enter
Individuals shall not enter the building if they have:
– Any symptoms of COVID-19, including cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, congestion or running nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
– Been instructed or self-quarantined by any doctor, hospital or health agency.
– Been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
– Not been fully vaccinated and have had contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 dats.
Who Is No Longer Required to Wear a Mask
Any individual who is fully vaccinated.
Who Should Continue to Wear a Mask
Any individual who is not fully vaccinated. In compliance with CDC guidelines, the use of masks/facial coverings is strongly encouraged for those not fully vaccinated. Judges retain the discretion tor require individuals in the courtroom to use facial coverings.