Big Sandy Area Community Action Program will be taking applications for the Summer Cooling portion of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) now through October 29, 2021. The Summer Cooling portion of LIHEAP offers payment assistance for electric bills on a first come, first serve basis until funds are exhausted.
The household income limit will be 150% of the federal poverty guidelines. All income eligible households are encouraged to apply.
150% of the federal poverty limit is a gross monthly household income of $1,610 for a one-person household, $2,177.50 for a two-person household, $2,745 for a three-person household, $3,312.50 for a four-person household, and $3,880 for a five-person household.
The agency will be able to provide some amount of assistance to income eligible households regardless of their bill payment status. “If you are up-to-date on your electric bill, have a past due notice, a disconnect notice, or an eviction notice if your electric is included in your rent, we will be able to offer you some type of assistance,” said Executive Director Wanda Thacker.
She explained further that taking advantage of the Summer Cooling portion of the program would not affect a household’s ability to qualify for future seasons and cycles of the program. “If a household is still income eligible in the fall or winter, they will still be able to get help then, even if they’ve received Summer Cooling funds.”
Applications will be completed by appointment and over the phone or through electronic communication. Appointments can be made over the phone by calling (606) 887-1441 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or online by visiting
Individuals seeking assistance must meet income eligibility requirements and be able to provide the following information:
- Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence (Green Card) for EACH member of the household. In order to receive assistance you MUST bring EVERY Social Security Number or Permanent Residence (Green Card) for each member.
- Proof of ALL household’s (ALL MEMBERS) income from previous month.
- Most CURRENT heating bill, statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in rent, statement from utility company if you participate in Pre-Pay Electric Program.
- The ACCOUNT NUMBER and NAME on the account for ALL heating fuel sources and electric.
Documentation can be provided electronically by uploading pictures of your documents on the appointment booking webpage or by fax. Agency staff will work with you to determine the best method for your household.
All vouchers are paid directly to the primary electric vendor with no funds being distributed directly to the applicant household.
LIHEAP is funded through Community Action Kentucky (CAK), the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a vast array of services, such as employment and training assistance, weatherization of homes, and area Head Start programs, in order to assist individuals and families in obtaining self-sufficiency. Through collaborative efforts of community and organizational partnerships, BSACAP seeks to improve the overall quality of life within the Floyd, Johnson, Martin, Magoffin, and Pike County communities. To learn more about BSACAP and their programs, visit or call (606) 789-3641.