SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, January 17, discussing robotics, the industrial park water project and leasing vehicles for the county.
At the beginning of the meeting the Herald Whitaker Middle School Robotics Team presented some of their robots to the court, including solar charging stations, which they said could be used throughout the county for the general public. The team was recently named the grand champions in the regional competition and will be competing at the state level.
Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained that the fiscal court will help publicize and support their solar power projects, in which they explained they would like to create some backup power solutions for households affected by natural disasters as their innovation project.
The court approved the following fund transfers from the general fund: $32,000 to the jail fund, $175,000 to the LGEA fund, $700,000 to the road fund.
Under departmental reports, Deputy Judge Kevin Howard updated the court on the industrial park water project, noting that the pumps have finally been shipped out, and the electrical control panels have been delivered and are scheduled to be installed later this week. The HVAC for the pump station is supposed to be delivered in eight weeks, but they have a backup unit available if they get the other parts installed so the pump station can be used.
For Battlefield Park, Howard said the concrete has been poured for the access ramps from the shelter to the restrooms. He said the Battlefield Park, Bloomington Park and Horse Park restrooms have been closed and winterized until warmer weather.
Under facility upgrades for the energy savings project, all HVAC equipment, controls, ceiling and insulation have been installed at the courthouse and justice center. Next week, he said they will be working on hot water pumps and pipe protections will be completed and then the wiring and testing will be completed.
Howard explained they have a box culvert at Birch Branch that is put together and they are in the process of creating a temporary crossing so the culvert can be installed.
The court approved the outgoing sheriff’s settlement of 2022 property tax and 2022 franchise tax, which Treasurer Josie Bailey said looked really good.
To comply with the state’s requirements, the court agreed to open a new bank account with Salyersville National Bank for the Opioid Settlement Fund, with Treasurer Josie Bailey, Judge/Executive Wireman and Deputy Judge Howard as signatories. The funding has to be spent for very specific purposes, and the Kentucky Association of Counties recommended counties to create a new account to keep up with the funds.
The fiscal court approved the lease agreements for two new single cab F350s to replace existing two leased crew cabs, a 2022 Ford F350 Chassis Dump Truck with snowplow and salt spreader, and two 2023 Ram 1500 Classic 4×4 police vehicles for the sheriff’s department. Judge Wireman explained that they have been doing this same program for several years, providing newer vehicles for the county without depleting the county budget.
The court approved the resolution for Hazard Mitigation Plan with Big Sandy Area Development, as required through FEMA.
They also approved the agreement with the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which will provide workers to work on certain projects in the county.
The court acknowledged they received the budget from the Magoffin County Water District.
Per a petition from the landowners, the court agreed to adopt Greg Isaac Road, located off Lacey Creek, as a county road.
They also approved a change order for the concerning the construction of the state at Puncheon Battlefield Park. Wireman explained that the roof and support beams had to be changed due to the original plan blocking views of part of the stage.
The court also approved proposals and amended contracts for replacement lights for the little league field at the park, as well as the installation of the lights.
Under communications, Judge Wireman nominated Jailer Bryan Montgomery to the jail board, which the court approved.
The next Magoffin County Fiscal Court meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 21 at the Magoffin County Courthouse Albert Patrick Meeting.