SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, December 19, discussing a few end-of-year maintenance business and the upcoming schedule for governmental offices.
Under fund transfers, the court approved transferring the following from the general fund: $62,000 to the jail fund and $8,720 to the sinking fund.
They also approved the county clerk’s 2024 budget and maximum amount for deputies and assistants, which did not change from the previous year.
Similarly, they approved the sheriff’s 2024 budget, with Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matthew Wireman explaining their budget did change with how the fees and expenditures are reported back to the fiscal court.
The court acknowledged receiving the Magoffin County Water District’s budget.
They approved a contract memorandum of agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Management for 2023 EMA Program Funds, which provides half of the emergency management director’s salary.
The court approved for White & Associates to conduct audits for 2023, 2024 and 2025, which Judge Wireman explained they have been the CPA firm that has been conducting the audits for the county when the state auditor has not. Wireman also said their audits are roughly $15,000 cheaper than the state auditor, but have to be approved by the state auditor’s office.
The courthouse and government services (excluding all emergency services) will be closed on Friday, December 22, Monday, December 25, Tuesday, December 26, Friday, December 29, and Monday, January 1.
Judge Wireman and the fiscal court wished the public a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The fiscal court is scheduled for a special meeting on Thursday, December 21, for the second reading for the budget amendment that was advertised in last week’s Salyersville Independent.
Rumpke’s Christmas Holiday Schedule
Rumpke trash service will not occur on Monday, December 25, in observance of Christmas Day. Rumpke will operate on a one-day delay for the remainder of the week.
Monday collection will move to Tuesday
Tuesday collection will move to Wednesday
Wednesday collection will move to Thursday
Thursday collection will move to Friday
Friday collection will move to Saturday
New Year’s Holiday Schedule
Rumpke trash service will not occur on Monday, January 1, in observance of New Year’s Day. Rumpke will operate on a one-day delay for the remainder of the week.
Monday collection will move to Tuesday
Tuesday collection will move to Wednesday
Wednesday collection will move to Thursday
Thursday collection will move to Friday
Friday collection will move to Saturday
GarySimpkins Jr
January 7, 2024 at 11:08 pm
If Magoffin force this guy resign appoint myself Only I focus only on A hospital for Magoffin And our own jail we are gonna sever tyes I have Is Stability cut paintsville and prestonsburg off have our own stores And work you all keep faith goodwill remove them and I’ll replace the style they are Remember my plans if a full time carnival and a nice khols I can’t make happen sos in