SALYERSVILLE – Election night was a bit different this year, with only a handful of people gathered in the fiscal courtroom to hear election returns, with a new city council named.
The room, which is usually standing room only by the time the precincts start rolling in, had less than 10 spectators and the county board of elections (with Sheriff Carson Montgomery attending via FaceTime due to quarantine). The 14 precincts had been cut down to only five supercenter voting locations and there was a notable increase in absentee voting, which was opened up to all eligible voters to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. County Clerk Renee Arnett-Shepherd went live on Facebook to read the returns, but with the supercenter voting, the local races couldn’t be called until all precincts were returned to the courthouse, with South Magoffin Elementary coming in last at around 7:30 p.m.
Magoffin County voters mirrored state and regional returns, supporting President Donald Trump’s bid for re-election 4-to-1, U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell’s re-election (his seventh term), U.S. Representative Harold “Hal” Rogers 21st term, and State Representative John Blanton’s third term. Both in Magoffin and through the 7th Supreme Court District Robert B. Conley secured the Supreme Court seat over Chris Harris.
Similarly, Magoffin supported the passage of Marsy’s Law (Constitutional Amendment 1) and opposed Constitutional Amendment 2, which would have extended term limits and increasing experience requirements for certain judicial positions.
Locally, three school board members ran unopposed, with Jimmy “Jimbo” Gullett (District 2), Abe D. Wireman (District 3), and Doug Collinsworth (District 5) retaining their positions on the board of education.
Salyersville City Council will see two changes to the current council, with incumbents Paul Montgomery, (411 votes), Tex Holbrook (329), Jarrod Howard (299) and Patricia Frazier (287) winning their bids for re-election. Incumbents Tommy Bailey (232) and Michael Connelley (237) will be replaced by Darrell Arnett (346) and Colin Ray Jackson (318). Mary F. Rowe also was on the ballot, with 142 votes.
With paper absentee ballots required to be postmarked by November 3, the general election results remain unofficial until next week. Any changes to the results will be released in next week’s paper.
The full unofficial results from Tuesday night can be found on A6.