Meals on Wheels is now being offered to residents in the southern part of Magoffin County after a gift to the program by the South Magoffin Community Activists.
The community group presented a new 2024 Mitsubishi hatchback to the feeding program after a successful fundraising campaign over the summer. The lack of a reliable vehicle had been the primary roadblock to providing the service in the southern part of the county.
“The Magoffin County Senior Center is excited to be partnering with the South Magoffin Community Activists and Magoffin County Fiscal Court to provide home delivered meals to the South Magoffin area,” said Marlene Howard, program director for the senior citizens center, which operates the Meals on Wheels program.
“This is a remarkable coming together of various groups to bring this much-needed program to South Magoffin residents,” said Janice Cooley Patrick, chairperson of the South Magoffin Community Activists (SMCA). “We couldn’t have done it without the Senior Citizens, the county judge and the fiscal court all contributing.”
The lead grant for the purchase was provided by Kentucky Colonels with additional support from the ARH Foundation, the Highlands Foundation, the Invest in Magoffin Fund and Foothills Communications.
“The Kentucky Colonels grant got us started and made this project possible,” added Patrick. “The ARH Foundation grant got us close to enough to purchase a new vehicle instead of a used one, and the Highlands Foundation and others gave us enough to complete the project.”
Under the arrangement, SMCA purchased the vehicle and is leasing it to the fiscal court “to enable the senior center staff to deliver meals,” explained Howard.
Beside the car, SMCA will provide the senior center with a small amount of equipment to help transport the meals and keep them warm.
Meals on Wheels is one of the most effective and popular senior nutrition programs operated throughout the United States. It is funded through a combination of federal, state and local government funding as well as private donations.
According to Meals on Wheels America website, studies show that “(B)y fostering social connections, providing safety checks and delivering nutritious meals, Meals on Wheels supports older adults to maintain their health, independence and ability to age in their own homes and communities.” This in turn helps reduce health care utilization, prevents nursing home admissions and generates health care cost savings.”
“When SMCA began all those years ago, a salient need and a primary plan was for Meals on Wheels for our people in the South Magoffin area,” said Bertie Salyer, one of SMCA’s founders. “Logistics including transportation precluded its implementation. But we have done it! I am so very thankful.”
To be eligible for home-delivered meals an individual must be at least 60 years old or be disabled and living with an elderly person, and be unable to prepare or obtain meals or have someone prepare meals for them.
To sign up or get more information, one should contact the Magoffin Senior Citizens Program at 606-349-5152.
“We look forward to serving the older population in this area of the county,” said Howard.