LOUISVILLE – While the high school boys’ basketball is making headlines for breaking history, the Herald Whitaker Middle School’s academic team is also setting some school records.
The HWMS Academic Team’s Future Problem Solvers group took ninth in the state at the Kentucky Governor’s Cup Academic Competition, held recently in Louisville, being the first group from the Herald Whitaker Middle School to stand on the Governor’s Cup stage.
The group’s advisor, Debbie Lemaster, told the Independent this prestigious award is no small accomplishment. Coming into middle School without any background in academic competitions, Del Shepherd taught his team, Sam Montgomery, John Martin Connelley, Jacob Allen, Finley Rudd and Madeline Workman, the intensive process and coached them to a top-ten placement at state. Advancing through district and regional competitions the team placed 9th among 40 plus teams. FPS is an intensive two-hour competition where the students analyze a future scene, identify challenges, find solutions and write an action plan in order to solve the underlying problem all in two hours! The group was given the future scene of 2051 Istanbul and autonomous vehicles.
We can’t wait to see what this group of young men and women will do next!