SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, August 15, discussing the reapportionment committee’s plan on election districts in the county, as well as funding for multiple ongoing county projects.
The court approved the fund transfer of $47,000 from the general fund to the LGEA fund.
As they do every year, the fiscal court considered the two options provided to renew the flood insurance through Farmers Property and Casualty Company, unanimously choosing option B, with a $2,074 annual premium, only $7 more than last year’s rate with more coverage.
The Reapportionment Committee met several times, reviewing the most recent census data as compared to the voting districts, with the committee submitting their plan to the court for review. Magoffin County Court Clerk Renee Shepherd explained that the population changes were all within the 10% margin of disparity (each district’s population level has to be within 10% of each other), so nothing needed to be changed or redistricted. District 1’s population, per the 2020 Census, is 4,037, District 2’s is 3,815, and District 3’s is 3,785, all falling within the tolerance to not require changes. The fiscal court approved the plan, which means voters’ election precincts and districts will remain the same.
The court approved the agreement and resolution with the Department of Rural and Municipal Aid for bituminous resurfacing of various county roads through flex funds, which will resurface Gambill Branch, Tin Can Branch, Upper Whiteoak and Walt Wireman Road on Half Mountain.
They also approved the resolution for Community Development Block Grant for the extension waterlines for KY 542, KY 1502, Jake Wireman Fork and KY 378. Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained they are trying to get $1.2 million with this grant, with the county covering a couple hundred thousand dollars of the project, and they have $1 million in FEMA Water Act funding, with the total project expected to cost $3.25 million. By passing the resolution, it will be sent to the state, with the final application deadline of September 1. Judge Wireman said that if all goes well, this project should start construction next fall and be completed by the end of the year. He also explained that this plan only extends the waterlines to the end of the state routes, but there will still be county roads not included in the extension, but they’re still looking into finding funding for those.
The court approved the revisions to the Magoffin County Administrative Code, with Wireman explaining that the changes involve the drug and alcohol testing, about who participates and how the process is conducted. All employees who drive vehicles for the county, including those with CDLs, will be tested at least annually, but the those chosen to be tested are randomized by the company conducting the tests.
Similarly, they approved the contract with Vanark Behavioral Management for drug testing. Wireman said this contract will come up for renewal annually.
The fiscal court approved to advertise for request for proposals for professional grant writing services that meet the federal grant guidelines, to hopefully help the county to secure more recovery funding than they can find on their own. They also approved to advertise for request for proposals for disaster recovery administrative services, which would come out of FEMA funding.
They approved adding a 2016 Ford Explorer and a 2016 Dodge Charger to the surplus items list, with Wireman explaining they will use the Explorer in a vehicle swap and the Charger will be included in the auction on Saturday.
As they have been doing each month, they approved an updated county road list, including changes made in last month’s meeting.
Judge Wireman explained that the Magoffin County High School Gold Ring Class of 1979, a nonprofit group, approached him about establishing a Hometown Hero award (wanted to start it last year, but weather caused the event to be canceled). Wireman said they would be all for that, with the court approving to establish the award in honor of the late Magoffin County Rescue Squad Captain Carter Conley, with the nonprofit group choosing the nominees each year. This year they will be honoring Terry Miller at the Magoffin County Community Day this Saturday.
Wireman said they are having issues with equipment to keep up with cutting grass along roadways, but they hope to have another cut before the end of the season.
The next regularly scheduled Magoffin County Fiscal Court meeting is slated for Tuesday, September 19 at 6 p.m. in the Magoffin County Courthouse Albert Patrick Building.