SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session last week, discussing road projects, FEMA cleanup and Trick-or-Treat night.
In the September 21 meeting, Deputy Judge Kevin Howard updated the court on current projects, noting they have made some upgrades to the fiscal court room. He said they are still waiting on the approval of the purchase agreement from Frankfort for the Bloomington Park project. Howard said the resurfacing on Sand Bottom Road will begin soon, and for bridge replacements, they have the bridges together for Little Bear, Blanton Branch, Charles Bailey Road and Jerry Rice Lane, with box culverts constructed and ready to be installed, with crews working on the Little Bear location currently.
Howard also explained they have ordered the Phase 3 road signs, which should be here in October and will cover Elk Creek, Lick Creek, Grape Creek, Whiteoak, 1081, Litteral and the Mine Fork areas. He said that will be the last phase of road signs, other than for cemeteries. After the Phase 3 signs are installed, he said that should cover all roads with houses on them in the county.
The court approved a resolution honoring Master Sergeant Frank Profitt, who was a prisoner of war in World War II, and naming of Kentucky Street from mile point 0.00 to mile point 0.327 in Magoffin County to be known as Master Sergeant Frank Profitt Memorial Road.
They also approved the agreement and resolution with the Department of Rural and Municipal Aid for bituminous resurfacing of various county roads, with approximately $199,000 in flex funds from the state. Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained this will cover the cost of resurfacing approximately 2.7 miles of roadways, broken up between Bee Tree, Blaze Branch, J.C. May, and Saddle Branch.
The court acknowledge the construction contracts for the Industrial Park Infrastructure Project, which will extend the water lines from the Route 30 intersection, adding another large tank there. Wireman explained this is the last project before the Industrial Park is considered “shovel ready.”
The court considered the nominees that had already been approved by the state to serve on the Magoffin County Public Library Board, appointing Della Minix to a four-year term for the opening that expired in February 2018, replacing the position last held by David May. They also appointed Dale Shepherd, replacing the position last held by Lana Blanton.
They also approved the petition to adopt Martha Sue Bowman Road into the county road system, with all adjacent landowners signing and the petition.
As they have been doing since Wireman took office, the court approved the updated county road list, reflecting recent road adoptions and removals.
Under communications, Wireman updated the court on the tentative approval of a Certificate of Need for ambulance services, explaining there is 40-day window between the initial letter and receiving the Certificate of Need, unless there is an appeal made during that time. He said they are weighing different options concerning the ambulance services, but said they will have six months from the time the CON is issued to make the decisions on their best options, noting they will do what is most cost effective for the citizens of Magoffin County.
Tentatively, Trick-or-Treat Night for Halloween is set for Friday, October 29, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Wireman also updated the court on a letter received from the state auditor’s office, increasing their audit costs on the sheriff’s office audits by approximately $140,000. Wireman said that since he has been judge, they have charged the county an estimated $1 million. He said he is working with our state representatives to write legislation to change the laws on audit fee practices.
“Small counties like us just can’t handle it,” Wireman said. “We’re getting hammered over and over with these outrageous audit fees. You can’t tell me it takes that long to be an auditor. I’ve done those things and it doesn’t take that long. We’re being took to the cleaner.”
The contract for the FEMA cleanup from the ice storm has been extended another 30 days, to the end of October, but Wireman said they hope to be completed with the cleanup before the end of next month.
Wireman said they MAC truck they bought last year through the KACO program, only paying interest on the truck for the past year, was sent to auction, selling at $190,000 (they bought it for $145,000). He explained that money will go to the road fund and the court approved the expense of up to $50,000 to be used at the state auction to purchase equipment.
Also in the meeting, the court approved fund transfers of $80,000 from the general fund to the jail fund and $15,000 from the general fund to the LGEA fund. Treasurer Josie Bailey explained to the court the jail fund was so high this time due to old medical bills. Wireman said they have already combed through old meeting minutes to make sure they were not paying bills that had already been paid.
The next Magoffin County Fiscal Court meeting is tentatively slated for October 19 at 6 p.m. in the Magoffin County Fiscal Court room in the Albert Patrick Building of the Magoffin County Courthouse.