SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, March 19, approving the deed with a vocational training school to locate to the industrial park, as well as honored two Magoffin County soldiers killed in action during WWII and the Korean War.
The court approved the following fund transfers: $50,000 from the general fund to the jail, $17,000 from the general fund to the LGEA, $21,945.69 from the federal and state land advancement to the road fund, and $9.31 from ARPA fund to the general fund.
Under departmental reports, Deputy Judge Kevin Howard updated the court on ongoing projects, noting they are preparing for ball season at Ramey Memorial Park. At Bloomington Park, they have the site prepared for a new basketball court. Restrooms are now opened at Bloomington and Battlefield Parks. At the Horse Park, they have installed the floorboards and will be painting them next month. At Battlefield Park, they have constructed a new wood fence, he said.
As for box culverts, Howard said work on the Patrick Branch box culvert has been completed and new concrete bed is being constructed at Stevens Fork. He said they’ve also received the Cheek Cemetery and Carver box culverts.
At the courthouse, he said they are in the process of stripping and waxing the floors. Bridge and road dedications for veterans will start, again, in April, with no dates set at this time.
The first horse show is scheduled for April 20 for the Ivyton Church, Howard said.
CMTA, which was contracted by the fiscal court a few years ago for energy management systems, presented the energy usage since the new systems have been put in place, with baseline kilowatt usage cut in half, saving a total of $75,000 in the first year.
Frontier Housing addressed the court, noting they are wanting to locate their factory in the Appalachian Region, and they believe the Magoffin County Industrial Park has what they’re looking for.
They’ve not decided to locate here, yet, but wanted to meet with the court first. They hope to provide 75 jobs divided into three shifts wherever they locate. They are looking at a couple of different grant sources, with different requirements each. They asked for a resolution for an option to purchase the property, and asked for the court to allow Judge/Executive Matthew Wireman to sign documents in regards to those grant applications. They called the Magoffin County Industrial Park a frontrunner in their consideration at this time. The court approved that resolution, contingent on funding, and Judge Wireman explained that he thinks the partnership would be a win-win, with some state and federal funding available for these types of projects to cover the county’s potential matching costs.
The court also approved the deed and agreement with TEK Center Incorporated for lot #3 at the Gifford Road Industrial Complex, providing trade trainings, tailoring their trainings for the businesses in the region. They hope to expand to 20 employees, and up to 400 students. The programs take less than a year, two days a week, and train students for trades hiring in this area. The deed has a two-year refund policy, that if they don’t do anything within two years, the court will refund them their money and take back ownership of the land. Also included in the deed is a clause that if the company decides to sell the property, the county can buy it back. Judge Wireman said these two companies would work hand-in-hand together and provide jobs here in Eastern Kentucky.
They also approved resolutions honoring Private Arthur Lykins by naming Cow Creek from mile point 0.35 to 0.97 as “Private Arthur Lykins Memorial Road,” and Private First Class Jimmie Allen by naming S. Puncheon Right Fork from mile point 0.00 to 3.668 to be known as Private First Class Jimmie Allen Memorial Road.
Private Arthur Lykins, served in the Fifth Army in North Africa during “Operation Torch” in World War II, then moved on to the beaches of Italy, where he was inevitably killed in action. He was awarded the Purple Heart posthumously, among other commendations.
Private Jimmie Allen enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1950 and served in Korea and involved in the first engagement between the United States Army and North Korea. Allen fought in a taskforce to hold off North Korean soldiers, but inevitably the outmanned taskforce had to retreat, but during combat Allen was killed in action. He was also awarded the Purple Heart and other commendations posthumously.
These two resolutions will run in the SI when the road dedications are held.
The court received the first reading of the 2024 proposed jail budget, but Judge Wireman noted the county’s monthly jail costs will increase by approximately $8,000 with some of the changes in the budget, but they can only receive it, not make changes to it.
They also approved a deed for conveyance for the county to take possession of the Magoffin County Public Library’s property located on S. Church Street. It is the old library building and is adjacent to the community center.
Judge Wireman said he has been looking for a media consulting group to promote Magoffin County and he found Julia Ross Rea Media Consulting, who could brand Magoffin County, update the county’s website, manage social media, and more to help bring business to the county by entering into a media consulting contract.
He said they can pay for this by using economic development funding. The court accepted contract.
They also approved a resolution authorizing House Bill 1 County Clerk Election Equipment Grant with Department for Local Government and authorizing the judge/executive to execute all document and act as correspondent for this project. Wireman explained that was a reimbursement for equipment already purchased.
The county applied for a Community Development Block Grant over a year ago, and in Tuesday’s meeting they were able to accept the conditions required for the grant for the Magoffin County Water District’s KY 542, 1502, and 378 water project. Wireman explained that this funding, along with some funding they already have saved, will be extending water lines to Far Middle Fork, Trace Fork and Jake Wireman Fork. He said these go along state routes to extend water lines, but acknowledged there are still some county roads not included in the water system, yet.
They approved a participation agreement with Purchase Pros, which would allow the county to use a pool of vendors, to cut costs on projects where they have a huge buying pool.
The court approved a commitment letter Kentucky Infrastructure Authority funding of $1 million for the water line extension project.
They also approved advertising a request for qualifications for consulting engineer firms to design and construct a 50,000 square foot build-ready site pad for the Gifford Industrial Park, which Wireman explained was the first step in the AML project.
The fiscal court approved the closure of the ARPA checking account at Salyersville National Bank, explaining that the federal funds saved in those accounts have all been transferred out at this time.
The court approved the annual county cleanup dates, with District One being held April 1 – 5, District 2 on April 8 – 12, and District 3 on April 15 – 19.
The court approved the county road system review, which hadn’t been done since 1999. Judge Wireman said 11 county roads were basically grassy hillsides that hadn’t been maintained in over 15 years, as well as approved the updated county road list.
During communications, Judge Wireman shouted out the Magoffin County High School Boys’ Basketball team, who have made history by advancing to the state tournament. “I’m proud beyond belief,” Wireman said.
He also noted that Ashley Salyer, who held three positions in his administrative office, has taken another job and no longer with the judge/executive’s office, and the court approved appointing Kevin Howard as Flood Plain Coordinator, Jimmy Salyer as FEMA Coordinator, and Kila Keeton as ABC administrator to fill those positions.
The next regularly scheduled Magoffin County Fiscal Court meeting is slated for April 16 at 6 p.m. at the Magoffin County Courthouse Albert Patrick Building.