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Road dedicated to honor WWII soldier who was fatally injured in battle

ROYALTON – After over a year of not being able to hold ceremonial road dedications, the DAV and Magoffin County Fiscal Court honored Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell on Saturday, May 29, dedicating a road in the Royalton area to the fallen soldier.

Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman read the following resolution, signed by all of the fiscal court members:

Whereas, the Magoffin County Fiscal Court wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell to his Country; and

Whereas, Paul Harrison Cordell was born December , 1921 in Magoffin County; and

Whereas, Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell enlisted in the United States Army January 19, 1943, and completed training at Fort Edwards, Massachusetts; Camp Davis, North Caroline; and Camp Eutis, Virginia. After completing his training, Corporal Cordell embarked with his Battalion to enter a European theatre in France. He served in the 465 AAA ACFT WMG Battalion. His Company Commander considered him to be one of his most valuable men. Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell was wounded in action during an aggressive battle in France to liberate Europe during World War II. He was transferred to a veteran’s hospital where he died of his wounds three days later. Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell was a member of the “Greatest Generation” that stepped up to defend a way of life of freedom and democracy for the United States and the world from communist aggression. He gave his life so that our country could remain free; and

Whereas, the family of Corporal Cordell received a letter from the Chaplain who wrote that he knew Corporal Cordell well and that he was one of the most faithful members of his church services. The Chaplain also wrote that he felt Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell trusted in God and was fully prepared to go; and

Whereas, Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell was awarded the Purple Heart along with several other medals for wounds received in action and for his heroic actions that resulted in his death on October 20, 1944; and

Whereas, Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell never made it back to Magoffin County to see his family and friends. He is resting at the Bluegrass Cemetery in Salyersville, Kentucky, in peaceful sleep at the hands of the Supreme Commander.

Now, Therefore, It is Hereby Resolved, that from mile point 19.048 at the junction of KY 7 and KY 867 on Oakley Creek Road to mile point 19.262, Standifer Cemetery Road (CR-1163B7), be forever known as Corporal Paul Harrison Cordell Memorial Road.

Judge Wireman told the Independent this is the third road dedication held in that area of Royalton honoring veterans and that the veterans committee has been working on more dedications for the near future.

Also held on Saturday, the DAV traveled to the Mine Fork area to conduct military rites for Chalmer Douglas Salyers, who passed away in March 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, when services could not be held. His daughter and grandson came in from Alabama to accept the flag at Salyers’ gravesite.

Wireman, who is also a member of the DAV, noted that DAV Command Lloyd Salyer is working on organizing similar events to honor the veterans who passed away during the pandemic and were unable to have military rites given.

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