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Fiscal court honors WWII hero KIA

SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, discussing the budget and approving a resolution to honor

In the December 20 meeting, the court approved the following fund transfers: $384,000 from the ARPA fund into the general fund, $58,500 from the LGEA fund into the general fund, $267,200 from the general fund to the road fund, $34,000 from the general fund to the jail fund, and $8,517.50 from the general fund to the sinking fund.

Treasurer Josie Bailey also explained the county will be receiving funding soon that will go into the LGEA fund $179,300, with the court approving to move that into the general fund when it comes in.

Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained that there were so many fund transfers this time because the majority of their projects are reimbursements and they’re getting hit with several payments for projects (coal severance, FEMA projects, etc.) at one time, requiring money be moved to the correct funds in order to be spent until those funds are reimbursed.

The court held the second reading of the first budget amendment for the fiscal year 2023, with changes made to comply with the state’s suggestions.

The fiscal court also approved the county clerk’s 2023 budget, staying the same from past years, with the only changes being from the car taxes.

Under departmental reports, Judge Wireman explained the building for the pump station at the industrial park has been completed, but they’re still waiting for parts to add heating and cooling at that pump station. He also said the water tank has been constructed and is now in use.

At Ramey Memorial Park, Judge Wireman said the batting cages have been completed and they have received park benches to replace the existing benches. He said they have a partnership with the local Women’s Club, which is going to donate some money to help pay for those, along with coal severance.

At Half Mountain Battlefield Park, he said the playground has been completed. He said they will be blacktopping the parking lot, basketball court and a walking track next spring. The block has been laid and the concrete poured for the new stage, and they are building the new access ramps now, noting it will be ADA compliant.

At the horse park, he said they have replaced the wooden steps with concrete steps, which will be safer and last longer.

Box culverts are in for Buck Joseph Road and Patrick Branch, and Judge Wireman said they hope to get those installed in the spring.

The court approved a resolution honoring Private Adam Whitley, a WWII war hero from Magoffin County who was killed in battle in 1944, naming Gifford Road located off State Route from mile points 0.00 to 0.547 be known as Private Adam Whitley Memorial Road.

Per Judge Wireman’s motion, the court approved the following library board appointments: Barbara Patrick to an unexpired four-year term that began in February 2022, and Heather Bailey and Tracy Watson to new terms that will begin in February 2023.

The court received the Magoffin County Sheriff’s 2021 excess fees, presented by Melodye Stephens. Stephens said that according to her audit, she has $45,549 in excess fees, plus $10.37 extra, turned over to the court.

With the cold weather coming, Judge Wireman also asked the public to be safe and smart.

“We’re looking at wind chills being well below zero, but we also know with high winds that we’ve got the potential for trees falling and the power going out,” Wireman said. “In that instance, if you need us, call the dispatch center. If it’s an emergency, obviously dial 911, and if it’s not an emergency, dial 349-4403 and they’ll get you some help. As far as a warming shelter, if we have power in town and you’re out or you need some place to come because you don’t have heat, we’ll have the community center open. If the power is out here in town, we’ll have the fiscal courtroom here open since we have a generator.”

Wireman also warned that they expect the roads to freeze from the rain then a sharp drop of temperatures forecasted, plus blowing snow and frigid wind chills, so roads may not be covered, but frozen, and salt will not have much effect on the ice if it is as cold as is forecasted, asking people to stay off the roads and be safe if they have to get out until the roads thaw out.

Judge Wireman presented plaques to Magistrates Joe Bailey and Pernell “Buck” Lemaster since it was their last meeting, thanking them for their years of service to the county.



WHEREAS, the Magoffin County Fiscal Court wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Private Adam Whitley to his country; and

WHEREAS, Adam Whitley was born April 3, 1924, in Magoffin County; and

WHEREAS, Adam Whitley enlisted in the United States Army in early 1943. After completing his training, he received orders to serve in Europe. PVT Whitley’s unit participated in a campaign to secure the developed ports in Brittany France. The major battle to secure the Ports of Brittany was the bridge of Pontaubault. With the forces of the United States and France, the lines of the German and Axis forces were broke and they were able to secure the Ports of Brittany. During these fierce battles, Private Adam Whitley was killed in action on October 30, 1944; and

WHEREAS, through Private Adam Whitley’s heroic actions he was awarded the Purple Heart and many commendations; and

WHEREAS, Private Whitley did not make it home to talk to loved ones and friends about his experiences of the war. He was killed in action on October 30, 1944. Private Whitley lays in peaceful sleep in the hands of the Supreme Commander at the Gose Cemetery, Lower Middle Fork, Route 30, Magoffin County, Kentucky.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that Gifford Road (CR 1265) located off of State Route 3337 in Magoffin County from mile point 0.00 to 0.547 be forever known as Private Adam Whitley Memorial Road.

Done this the 20th day of December, 2022.

Matthew C. Wireman, Magoffin Co. Judge/Executive

Darrell Ray Howard, Magistrate District 1

Pernell “Buck” Lemaster, Magistrate District 2

Joe Bailey, Magistrate District 3

Attest: Renee Arnett Shepherd, County Clerk

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