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KIA WWII Hero honored

SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Tuesday, June 20, discussing some beginning-of-the-fiscal-year housekeeping actions, as well as ongoing park and road projects.

Under fund transfers, the court approved the following transfers: $40,000 to the jail fund, $420 to the sinking fund, $10,000 to the sanitation fund, for a total of $50,420.

They also approved the second reading of a budget amendment for fiscal year 2023 and the second reading of the 2024 fiscal year budget.

The court approved re-appointing Josie Bailey as county treasurer for the next four years, at an annual salary of $44,000.

As they consider every year, the court approved the in-kind match of contribution of space, equipment, other goods and services and cash contribution for the Magoffin County Senior Citizens, allowing the senior citizens group to be able to participate in grants.

They approved bids for bulk diesel fuel and gasoline (Action Petroleum); motor oil and grease (J&H Wholesale); culvert, tile, and pipes (Interstate Construction, Tomahawk Feed and Farm, Drains Unlimited, Kentucky Supply – lowest bid and availability on each individual item first); blacktop/asphalt (Hinkle); gravel and rock (sandstone – Tomahawk Feed and Farm, all other rock – Hinkle); chip seal and cold patch (Hudson Materials Company); gravel and other road material hauling services (Anthony Gill Howard and Bowling Trucking).

The court approved declaring some county garage items as surplus to be sold at public auction, including an excavator, traffic devise, dump truck, Ford van, a box truck, two Crown Vics, Dodge Van, and a Jeep. Auction information will be released at a later date.

As more beginning-of-the-fiscal-year housekeeping, they also approved the administrative code with amendments, which will be effective July 1.

They approved the resolution and agreement between the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Highways Transportation Cabinet and the fiscal court for discretionary funding. Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained that he received a call recently telling the governor has approved Magoffin County for $353,000 in discretionary spending to repave roads that have already been submitted to the state and approved. The roads that will be repaved include Hammonds Fork, Bull Creek, and Meredith Branch. Of the 40+ roads Wireman’s office has sent to the state for consideration with this program, this makes 21 Magoffin County roads.

The fiscal court approved the Fiscal Year 2024 Flex Funding Roads, with Wireman explaining they have $220,000 and in order to qualify for the discretionary funds, they have to use the flex funding for those same kinds of roads. They agreed to send in the following roads for the flex funding: upper Whiteoak in District 1, Gamble Branch in District 2, Walt Wireman Road and Tin Can in District 3.

They approved to request for proposals for FEMA-related disasters from consulting/management services, which is currently being done in-house, but Wireman explained he believes it will add a value to the county when those services are needed.

The court approved the 2023-2024 Kentucky Pride Fund Recycling Grant Agreement, as they do annually. Wireman explained that they have applied for a new skid steer for the recycling center, which has been approved for $65,189.

Judge/Executive Wireman said that he, along with the county attorney, Emerald Energy and Exploration Land Company have come to an agreement on the warranty deed for the tract of land at the intersection of the Mountain Parkway and Gifford Road. He said they will be taking possession of 5 acres of the industrial park property and they will be giving the county $50,000 that will be kept in an Escrow account and, if within a couple years and they haven’t started any construction, the county will be able to give back the money and take possession of the property, again. If they ever decide to sell the property, the fiscal court will have the first right of refusal, according to the terms, he said. The fiscal court approved the deed. Wireman also explained that leaves the county with 15 acres at the industrial park, as well.

They opened the bids for the Ramey Memorial Park War Memorial Project, awarding the project to the lowest bidder, Bill’s Contracting for $68,995.

The court also approved to renew their health insurance policy through KACo for the county employees.

Under departmental reports, Magoffin County Deputy Judge Kevin Howard updated the fiscal court on the ongoing projects. He said at the industrial park, the part finally came in for the pump station and the contractor is in the process of installing it now, which will give the county the power to pump more water to that area.

At Ramey Memorial Park, he said they have had volunteers weld the basketball goals. The lights and scoreboards have been installed at the baseball and softball fields. They are conditioning the fields, and the basketball and tennis courts have been resurfaced, but still working on striping the courts. Drain work has been completed and they’ve cleaned, repainted, and made other cosmetic improvements at the park, he said.

Wireman explained the blacktopping was covered by a coal severance project and had to be used specifically for the county parks, noting that the Ramey Memorial Park is the most-used public facility in the county (excluding schools), so it’s a priority to keep maintained. He said that the county has been providing some the equipment and labor, and the city has provided labor and some tourism funds to also improve and maintain the park.

Howard said the Hinkle blacktopping project is seeing progress, with many of the locations completed, expecting to have the list completed by fall.

Judge Wireman also noted that the veterans’ committee and Salyersville DAV held another road dedication last weekend, honoring Private Adam Whitley, who was a WWII hero killed in action. Wireman said they had a great turnout for the road dedication, naming part of Gifford Road as Private Adam Whitley Memorial Road. The full resolution can be found below.

Wireman said the tractor with the brush cutter has been in the shop the last two months, but they finally received the piece to fix it this week and hope to be able to cut the brush near the roadways throughout the county.

He said the grant process is still ongoing to be able to extend the waterlines to the rest of the county. He said the grant has to be applied for by September, but he said Magoffin is now considered an “energy community,” which means US Congress allocated money for grants these communities are now eligible for, he said. Only 41 counties in the state have that designation and the state now provides some matching funds for the federal grants, and water is one of them they are applying for, Wireman said.

There will be a special meeting held on June 30 at 4 p.m. in the fiscal court room of the Magoffin County Courthouse Albert Patrick Building.


WHEREAS, the Magoffin County Fiscal Court wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Private Adam Whitley to his country; and
WHEREAS, Adam Whitley was born April 3, 1924, in Magoffin County; and
WHEREAS, Adam Whitley enlisted in the United States Army in early 1943. After completing his training, he received orders to serve in Europe. PVT Whitley’s unit participated in a campaign to secure the developed ports in Brittany France. The major battle to secure the Ports of Brittany was the bridge of Pontaubault. With the forces of the United States and France, the lines of the German and Axis forces were broke and they were able to secure the Ports of Brittany. During these fierce battles, Private Adam Whitley was killed in action on October 30, 1944; and
WHEREAS, through Private Adam Whitley’s heroic actions he was awarded the Purple Heart and many commendations; and
WHEREAS, Private Whitley did not make it home to talk to loved ones and friends about his experiences of the war. He was killed in action on October 30, 1944. Private Whitley lays in peaceful sleep in the hands of the Supreme Commander at the Gose Cemetery, Lower Middle Fork, Route 30, Magoffin County, Kentucky.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that Gifford Road (CR 1265) located off of State Route 3337 in Magoffin County from mile point 0.00 to 0.547 be forever known as Private Adam Whitley Memorial Road.
Done this the 20th day of December, 2022.
Matthew C. Wireman,
Magoffin Co. Judge/Executive
Darrell Ray Howard,
Magistrate District 1
Pernell “Buck” Lemaster,
Magistrate District 2
Joe Bailey,
Magistrate District 3
Attest: Renee Arnett Shepherd, County Clerk



  1. Selina Helton-Mullins

    June 23, 2023 at 1:08 am

    So grateful and thankful to all the veterans that helped our family this past Saturday dedicate the road to my great uncle Adam.

    Freedom is ours by the sacrifices of many.
    Don’t forget to stop and thank a veteran.
    …all gave some and some gave all….
    Fallen But Never Forgotten

  2. Sandy Gasparac

    August 29, 2023 at 8:31 pm

    Isn’t this wonderful, Adam was my Uncle my Parents are Claude and Pauline Gasparac Whitley. My sister is in the picture way over to the right with the sunglasses on. She said it was a beautiful ceremony. It was an awesome thing they did for my Uncle he served his Country and helped his Parents my Grandparents to be able to buy things the Family needed back then. All I have seen is pictures and the purple heart they gave him. We sure need to Thank these brave young men that went to war, for our freedom. God Bless all of them.

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