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City can’t pay all Water Works’ bills due

SALYERSVILLE – The Salyersville City Council met in regular session on Monday, December 18, changing the meeting time and discussing and inevitably not paying all of Water Works’ bills.

In a roll call vote for the second reading of an ordinance that changes to the Salyersville City Council meeting time from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to make it easier for council members who work to attend, all voted in favor of the second reading except Colin Ray Jackson, who said 7:30 is too late for older people, especially during the winter. Motion passed 4-to-1, though Tex Holbrook was not in attendance.

The council approved the city bills, though they were unable to pay all the two-month Salyersville Water Works bills. Council members questioned the gas bills, an $18,000 equipment repair cost, and the uniforms contract. When asked if they could pay the bills, Salyersville Mayor Stanley Howard said they could not. He said they would pay the necessities, like the electric bill, and then pay the rest when they get the money to afford it. The council approved a motion to pay what they can.

The city only took over the Salyersville Water Works department, dissolving the city water board in October, with Mayor Howard placing the tie-breaker vote to pass the ordinance that put Water Works under his control.

The council approved the in-kind commitment of cash contribution for the Magoffin County Senior Citizens, which they pass annually.

The next regularly scheduled Salyersville City Council meeting is tentatively slated for January 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Salyersville City Hall.



  1. GaryvSimpkins Jr

    January 5, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Witness told City mayor had no probalem but a city excavator with tax payers money cDoes Magoffin have anyone honest enough post a picture of the Kabota excator and it’s serial number I been told Pete Shepards uncle of brother moved across from both my burnt residences where Stanley Howard’s dad had previously lived anyone see conpriacy to arson there ? I’m hunting a atty sue post nine here in Ohio still got 2 years statue on them

  2. Gary SimpkinsJr

    January 5, 2024 at 6:59 pm

    Can some honest Magoffin countian post A picture this fine Kabota Excavator And it’s Serial number.The witness said Mr Stanley purchased with excessive water bill money! From over charging residents of city ! Thank you Never stop makin plans .

  3. Gary Simpkins Jr

    January 7, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    Investigate the tourism and the excessive water bills to buy Kabota excator imtakin picsof magoffins news paper assisting in the retaliation as I go to help hid the fraud and theft

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