SALYERSVILLE – The Salyersville City Council met in regular session on Monday, June 17, discussing the recent sewer problem among other ongoing projects.
The council discussed the Salyersville Water Works bills, including a $1,900 phone bill (for two months for the digital system at both the water plant and the office), and the outstanding electric bill, which they are paying about $50,000 a month, owing $111,000 in back bills and paying more than $20,000 on the current bill, Mayor Stanley Howard said. At one point, he said the back bills totaled around $186,000.
The council held their first reading of the 2024-2025 budget, with the proposed budget totaling over $2 million. Councilman Paul Montgomery asked if there were anything they could do to lower the utility costs, with Mayor Howard saying he hopes changing out the Water Works pumps could make the system more energy efficient, but he didn’t know any other ways to decrease those costs to the city. The council passed the first reading unanimously in a roll call vote.
The council approved a resolution with Big Sandy ADD to apply for $170,000 of grant funding from HB 723 to fill gap in funding on a sewer project. The city has already received a commitment from the Department of Local Government for $1.25 million and there’s $680,000 pending through ARC, bringing the total project cost to $2.1 million.
Howard also said they have run a temporary line to combat the recent leak in the sewer line, and they have a cost estimate of $221,277 to properly fix the line, but they’re waiting on another cost estimate, and they will have to bid out the project. Big Sandy ADD recommended getting a line of credit with a letter of commitment to go ahead and fix the line while they still work to acquire funding to cover the project. The council approved to open a line of credit for to start that project.
Councilman Paul Montgomery addressed the gas prices, which constantly run around 30 cents higher than surrounding areas, asking if there is anything they can do. City Attorney Jeff Lovely said they could invite the managers and owners of the local gas companies to come meet with the council to discuss the issue. Lovely said he would look for the owners names and will draft a letter to invite them to a meeting.
The next Salyersville City Council meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Salyersville City Hall.