The Healthy at Home Utility Relief Fund provides relief to Kentuckians affected by COVID-19 that need assistance with their water, wastewater, electric, or natural gas service. Big Sandy Area Community Action Program is partnering with Team Kentucky to distribute these funds in Floyd, Johnson, Magoffin, Martin, and Pike counties.
Eligible households can receive up to $500 to pay past due water and wastewater bills and up to $500 to pay current and future water and wastewater bills. Eligible households can also apply for electric or natural gas benefits. Households can receive up to $400.00 to pay past due electric or natural gas bills and up to $400.00 to pay current or future electric or natural gas bills.
You do not have to have a past due balance to receive benefits. Benefits are supplied in the form of a voucher to the vendor or supplier. A household can apply for one or both components and is eligible for up to the maximum allowable benefit for past due and current bills.
To be eligible, the household should have experienced one of the following changes due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Job Loss, Reduced Hours/Wages, Additional Expenses, or other negative impact. Households must have a total income of at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, and be able to provide their most current utility bill; proof of arrearage, payment plan, or disconnect notice for utilities, if applicable; proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card (Green Card) for each member of the household; and proof of all household’s (all members) income from the preceding month.
To book an appointment in order to complete an application, you can visit If you are unable to complete an appointment booking online, you can call the agency’s new hotline number at 1-888-658-3641.
Big Sandy Area Community Action Program is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a vast array of services, such as employment and training assistance, weatherization of homes, and area Head Start programs, in order to assist individuals and families in obtaining self-sufficiency. Through collaborative efforts of community and organizational partnerships, BSACAP seeks to improve the overall quality of life within the Floyd, Johnson, Martin, Magoffin, and Pike County communities. To learn more about BSACAP and their programs, visit or call (606) 789-3641.