Two local fallen soldiers were honored with road dedications on October 7, with the fiscal court and DAV holding ceremonies for PVT Raymond Craft and SGT Harry Watson (Resolution below).
Magoffin County Fiscal Court Resolution 2023-21
Honoring Sergeant Harry Watson
WHEREAS, the Magoffin County Fiscal Court wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Sergeant Harry Watson to his Country: and
WHEREAS, Harry Watson was born April 25, 1924; and
WHEREAS, Harry Watson enlisted in the United States Army early part of 1943. After completing his training, he was assigned to the United States 3rd Army unit in France, The 3rd Army was engaged in the Lorraine Campaign in Northern France, near the city of Le Tholy. Sergeant Watson was in command of an emplaced machine gun squad. Sergeant Watson left the cover of the gun emplacement to survey the area for the squad. While surveying the area, Sergeant Watson was struck in the head and killed instantly by the fire of a lone enemy sniper; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Watson’s heroic actions was awarded the Purple Heart and many commendations; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Harry Watson did not make it home to talk to loved ones and friends about his experiences of the war. He was killed in action on October 4, 1944; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Harry Waston lays in peaceful sleep in the hands of the Supreme Commander at the Raleigh Watson Cemetery located in Carver, Kentucky.
NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that Carver Road (CR-1224) in Magoffin County, Kentucky, from mile point 0.00 to mile point 0.900, be forever known as Sergeant Harry Watson Memorial Road.
Done this 19th day of September, 2023.
Matthew C. Wireman, Magoffin County Judge/Executive
Darrell Howard, Magistrate District 1
Eddie Jenkins, Magistrate District 2
Samuel Bailey, Jr., Magistrate District 3
Attest: Renee Arnett Shepherd, Magoffin County Clerk