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Sheriff: Drug investigations will soon yield arrests

SALYERSVILLE – Magoffin County Sheriff Bill Meade sat down with Mortimer Media Group last week to discuss the progress of the first four months of his term, including about some of his office’s drug investigations.

“Currently we have five people who are full-time, and that is including myself,” Sheriff Meade said. “These are people that are certified or in the process of being certified. We have one officer, Donavon Watson, he’ll be graduating from Richmond in two weeks and we’re ready to put him to work, as well.”

Meade said has five special deputies that volunteer to help the department.

“They’re doing a great job,” Meade said. “I’m really impressed with what they have done so far. We’re right now going out of our fourth month and we’re providing nearly 24-hour patrol. The guys are doing what I ask of them, and that is to be in all parts of the county. Everyone in this county pays their taxes, and they deserve to have law enforcement in all areas of the county and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Meade said he wanted to public thank Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman and the fiscal court for helping his office with resources.

“We were in great need when we first came into the office and, although there are limitations to what they can do, they’ve been very helpful, so I thank them very much for that,” Meade said.

Meade said some individuals have donated items they really needed to do their job, which helped, as well.

“We’re working right now on some grants – we’re looking at purchasing side arms for all of our officers and rifles, tasers, and all that stuff,” Meade explained. “Of course, we have the resources that will allow us to continue to make drug purchases. We’re a part of the HIDTA here in Kentucky. For those that don’t know, HIDTA is a high intensity drug trafficking area and there’s resources available to us through them.”

Meade said his office is also partnering with Operation UNITE and they work well with the DEA out of London.

“The drug problem in this area is just overwhelming,” Meade said. “I’ve had two deputies in the same day in the matter of a few hours that have had to Narcan two different people in two different areas. It took three attempts with one and took four on the other one. We’re serious about doing something about this drug problem.”

Meade explained that although there have been no arrests concerning the drug issue, investigations are ongoing and arrests are on the way, showing Mortimer Media Group where they have confiscated three pounds of methamphetamine and heroin in a case that is headed to the federal grand jury.

“We are committed to doing exactly what I said we were going to do,” Meade said. “We’re working on the drug problem right now, we’re making cases, and although you’re not seeing the end results of them, yet, you will. To be successful in the drug game, you have to present a well-prepared, professional investigation. We’re going to give our prosecutors something to work with. We’re going to give them something that should be able to guarantee us or give us an excellent opportunity for a conviction. All I can say is be patient, hang tight and in the months to come you’ll start seeing the fruits of our labors.”

Meade also said his office welcomes drug tips from the community, encouraging people who may know about something to call his office at 606-349-2914.

“Let me assure you, we’re interested in the information, and you don’t have to provide us with a name or anything,” Meade said. “We just want the information. It might be something we don’t know, or it might be something we already know about but the information you’re telling us might help us to be able to advance the investigation that we’re doing, so yes, please call us and give us the information you’ve got and we’ll never ask who you are.”

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