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Road dedication held honoring Raymond Craft

Two local fallen soldiers were honored with road dedications on October 7, with the fiscal court and DAV holding ceremonies for PVT Raymond Craft (Resolution below) and SGT Harry Watson.

Magoffin County Fiscal Court Resolution No. 2023-09


WHEREAS, the Magoffin County Fiscal Court wishes to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Private Raymond Craft to his country; and

WHEREAS, Raymond Craft was born December 3, 1928; and WHEREAS, Raymond Craft enlisted in the United States Army in February 1950, after completing his training he was attached to the 2nd Infantry Division Korea. The 2nd Infantry Division was engaged in many battles in the Korean war. One of the worst was in the hills North of the 38th parallel line called the Bloody Ridge; and

WHEREAS, Private Craft did not make it home to talk to loved ones and friends about his experiences of the war. In one of the fierce battles with the 2nd Infantry Division, Private Craft was killed in action on November 24, 1951, performing heroic actions; and

WHEREAS, Private Craft and his heroic actions was awarded the Purple Heart and many commendations; and

WHEREAS, Private Raymond Craft lays in peaceful sleep in the hands of the Supreme Commander at the Sherman Arnett Cemetery, in Foraker, in Magoffin County, Kentucky.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that Sprucepine Road (CR-1231), located on KY Route 30, in Magoffin County, Kentucky, from mile point 0..00 to mile point 1.750, be forever known as Private Raymond Craft Memorial Road.

Done this 18th day of April, 2023


Magoffin Co. Judge/Executive Matthew C. Wireman

Magistrate Dist. 1 Darrell Ray Howard

Magistrate Dist. 2 Eddie Jenkins

Magistrate Dist. 3 Samuel P. Bailey, Jr.

Attest: Renee Arnett Shepherd, County Clerk


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