SALYERSVILLE – The Magoffin County Fiscal Court met in special session on Monday, May 20, in lieu of a regular meeting that would have fell on Election Day.
During the Monday meeting, the fiscal court approved the following fund transfers from the general fund: $50,000 to the jail fund, $10,000 to the LGEA fund, $4,000 to the solid waste fund and $350 to the forestry fund, for a total of $64,350 transferred from the general fund.
The court approved the first reading of the fiscal year 2025 budget. Magoffin County Judge/Executive Matt Wireman explained that after the first reading, they will send the budget to the state for approval before the second reading.
He also noted it is balanced and nearly the same as the previous year, with the addition of a project they approved in a recent meeting.
They also approved the first reading of a budget amendment for the current fiscal year’s budget to adjust for an increase in revenues and expenditures.
The court approved the recurring expenditures for the 2025 fiscal year, as required by the state.
The fiscal court received the annual financial budget for the Magoffin County Conservation District for fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
The county approved participation in an agreement and resolution for the County Road Aid Cooperation Program, with Judge Wireman explaining it is where they get their road fund money and they get 60% of it in August, 30% in January and the other 10% at the year’s close.
They approved the Administrative Office of the Courts reimbursement form concerning the Magoffin County Justice Center, with this year the AOC agreeing to reimburse the county $227,000 for the operational costs of the building.
The court approved bids for bulk diesel fuel and gasoline ; motor oil and grease; culvert, tile and pipe; gravel and rock; blacktop/asphalt; cold patch and chip seal oil; gravel and other road material hauling services, approving the lowest price to those that fulfilled the requirements, and going with the next bid if the first does not have supply when the item is needed.
They agreed a contract with Brightly Software, Inc. for an online computerized maintenance management system, with Wireman stating that FEMA is getting increasingly difficult to get projects approved, but this type of system would keep better digital records for municipalities to help with those type of applications, as well as with keeping up with ongoing projects, work orders, material costs, man hours, location within the county map system and more.
The court approved a deed of conveyance to acquire land adjacent to Ramey Memorial Park. Deputy Judge Kevin Howard explained that he has an aunt and uncle who created a trust to help with nonprofit organizations, and he worked with them to secure a piece of land to the left of the softball field (out of the area where the water rises) to put an all-inclusive playground. Wireman said they will be able to use coal severance funding for the playground equipment and the county will have a high quality playground out of the water.
They also approved two vehicles for surplus from the sheriff’s office.
The court approved to reappoint Grover Roark to the water board for a four-year term.
They also approved a revised resolution updating the county road system.
The fiscal court will meet next in another special-called meeting on May 23, 2024, at 4 p.m. at the Magoffin County Courthouse Albert Patrick Building.